Real Estate and Property Management Blog - California
Our Real Estate and Property Management Blog is added to several times each month so please visit it often. If you would like to respond to any blog, please contact us. Our Articles for Buyers. Sellers, Landlords, and Agents are also added to and updated regularly. can assist personal representatives of estates sell probate properties located anywhere in California. See: Probate Real Estate Sales for information about our unique qualifications, frequently asked questions and answers, and a glossary of probate terms.
A referral agent is a real estate licensee who wants to make money in real estate, but does not want to sell, show property, or pay desk, MLS, or Board of Realtors fees. Referral agents make money by referring their friends , relatives, and others in their sphere of influence to a full-time real estate agent with Pacific-Realtors. net who will service the client. Referrals can be prospective buyers or sellers of homes, apartment buildings, commercial properties, or land.
As a referral agent, you are paid a percentage of the fee earned by the company.
If you would like to become a referral agent, we can assist you, including helping you obtain a real estate license. For more information:
When it’s time to buy or sell a house with existing solar panels, any lease will appear on the title search. See: Selling a Home with Leased Solar Panels for additional information.
Our firm is in need of a licensed agent or broker with experience in representing buyers and sellers of land in California See: California Land Brokers. We have been representing buyers and sellers of land for 36 years.
Our apartment division has more than 36 years of experience managing income producing properties including apartment buildings. See our website for a complete list of services provided: Pacific Apartment Management.
If you would like to respond to any of our blogs, please contact us by email. We will promptly respond.
FHA loans and VA loans are making home ownership feasible for many first-time buyers. Down payment requirements are low, interest rates are low, and qualifying is relatively easy. See: First Time Buyers – Rent or Buy Analysis
Sellers of homes must decide whether to have a pre-listing home inspection conducted or not. There are several advantages and disadvantages that must be considered by every seller. See: Pre-Listing Home Inspections.
When owners of rental homes decide to sell, is in an excellent position to save you both time and money. For details see: How Saves You Money When You Sell Your Rental Home and How to Sell Your Rental Home to an Investor.
Captive escrow companies are not independent and may not always be objective. Captive escrow companies are owned by a real estate brokerage company and are not supervised by the California Department of Business Oversight. See: Reasons to Use an Independent Escrow Company.