Prepare Your House for a Photo Shoot
The goal is to prepare your house as you would for an open house. Following are some items that may not be obvious to every owner:
☐ No visible trash cans
☐ No visible garden hoses
☐ No cars on the driveway or in front of the house
☐ No political signs
☐ No holiday decorations
☐ Organize any pool and patio furniture
☐ Open any patio umbrellas
☐ Rake and dispose of leaves
☐ Clean the pool and spa
☐ No pet dishes
☐ Minimize items on the counters
☐ No dish drying rack or dish towels
☐ No dish soap or sponges on the counter
☐ Nothing on top of the refrigerator
☐ No magnets on the refrigerator
☐ No visible garbage cans
☐ Place a bowl of fruit on the kitchen table
☐ Toilet seats down
☐ No clothing on hooks
☐ Minimize items on counters
☐ No toothbrushes, razors, etc.
☐ Hang clean fresh towels
☐ Remove all items from showers and bathtub areas
☐ No visible trash containers
Dining Room
☐ Place a vase of flowers on the dining-room table
☐ Set table with your best dishes, etc
☐ Add centerpiece candles
☐ All lights on including lamps
☐ All window coverings open
☐ No pet dishes, beds, or toys
☐ Put any children's toys away
☐ Remove any personal photos
☐ Hide any shoes or personal clothing
☐ Clean all windows and mirrors