How to Avoid Leasing Scams
If you are intending to lease a home you need to be aware that rent scammers are not uncommon in Southern California.
Rent scammers generally are people who don't own the property they are offering for lease and they do not have the authority of the owner to lease the property by means of a real estate listing agreement. Their intention is to take your deposit and first month's rent and then disappear.
Following are signs or red-flags that the person who is offering a home for lease may be a scammer:
- The listing will never be in the Multiple Listing Service (MLS);
- They won't meet you in person, having some excuse, because they don't want you to be able to identify them or their vehicle;
- They don't offer you a business card with a photo and license number;
- They won't provide you with any form of identification;
- They don't have a website that indicates they are a legitimate business;
- They insist on a cash deposit or that money be wired to them. They will not accept a cashier is check a money order because they can be traced;
- They ask for the deposit and rent before a lease is signed;
- They don't verify your employment or source of income;
- Your poor FICO Credit Score or prior eviction is not a problem, and
- Regardless of your excellent FICO Credit Score, they insist on a two month security deposit instead of one month.
Scammers can easily steal $10,000 or more of your money, Don't be a victim, Exercise caution.