Divorce Document Checklist
For Sellers of Real Estate

You will not need to bring copies of the following documents with you to your initial consultation with a family law attorney. However, those items that you have will need to be provided to your attorney at some point. Therefore, you should begin the process of gathering the documents together and placing them in a highly secure location until copies can be delivered to your family law attorney. Place the following letter code on the line corresponding to each item on the checklist:

Place the following letter code on the line corresponding to each item on the checklist:

a) Document(s) is included with checklist
b) Document(s) will be provided when located
c) Document(s) exist but spouse has it
d) Document(s) does not exist
e) I don't know if document(s) exists

Divorce Document Checklist


____ Appraisals for any real estate owned together or separately.

____ Automobile insurance policies.

____ Business federal and state income tax returns for the last three years.

____ Checking, savings, money market accounts, medical savings accounts, CD's, brokerage, and any other type of asset account statements.

____ Consumer loan applications, if any.

____ Credit card statements.

____ Divorce decrees and court orders from any previous marriages.

____ Employment contracts.

____ Evidence of any personal debts owed to anyone, including family members.

____ Health insurance policies.

____ Homeowners insurance policies.

____ Individual federal and state income tax returns for the last three years.

____ Inventory of personal property, including home furnishings, jewelry, artwork, computers, home office equipment, clothing, furs, etc. If there are particularly valuable or unique items you will want to photograph and inventory them, and perhaps obtain an appraisal.

____ Life insurance policies.

____ List of contents of safety deposit boxes.

____ List of real estate and significant assets owned by each spouse prior to marriage.

____ Loan documents including any loan applications.

____ Marital settlement agreements from prior marriages.

____ Mortgage statements for all properties owned together or separately.

____ Other bills.

____ Pension plan and 401 K statements.

____ Personal property appraisals.

____ Photographs of family, children, your home, furniture, or valuable collections to the extent that you believe the photos will help you explain  your family and financial status.

____ Prenuptial agreements or post-marital agreements.

____ Proof of your spouse's current income (W-2 forms, 1099 forms, K-1 forms, 3 most recent pay-stubs).

____ Proof of your current income (W-2 forms, 1099 forms, K-1 forms, 3 most recent pay-stubs).

____ Property tax bills.

____ Real estate deeds for each property you or your spouse own, or any properties owned by an entity in which you or your spouse has an interest.

____ Retirement account statements.

____ Stock options, vesting schedules, and account statements.

____ Stock portfolios, LLC's, and any other investments.

____ Utility bills.

____ Wills, trusts, powers of attorney, and any other estate planning documents.

____ Other:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


  • Always assure your children that your divorce had nothing to do with them or anything that they have done. The divorce was not their fault.
  • Always assure your children that you and your former spouse love them and will always care for them.


Selling a house or other real estate owned by people in the process of divorce or planning to get divorced requires special skills.

Pacific-Realtors.net has been a divorce real estate sales expert since 1987 and can help you sell your property.

We understand that neutrality is essential and commit to acting as a neutral.

For Divorce Mediation Services: Christian Mediations.
